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Fall Leadership Conference

October 21, 2025
Norman, OK

Career Development Conference

February 5-7, 2025
OKC & Midwest City, OK

Collegiate International Career Development Conference

April 5-8, 2025
San Francisco, CA

International Career Development Conference

April 26-29, 2025
Orlando, FL

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An organization for students in high schools and colleges around the globe.

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COUNCIL 82 & 3

COUNCIL 82 & 3

COUNCIL 82 & 3

Subaha Kibria

State President - High School Division

Chapter: Edmond Santa Fe High School

1. I initially joined DECA because I wanted to bake and sell cookies at school for my chapter’s SBE.
2. I ran for state office because I wanted to take on a bigger leadership role for DECA because I absolutely loved the growth opportunities it provided for me and so many of my peers.
3. I really enjoyed preparing and presenting a workshop with Natalie from BPA’s state council last year at FLC. It was so cool to be able to go go from the learning perspective to the teaching perspective at a DECA event.
4. This next year, I’m most looking forward to staying in contact with members and advisors as much as possible. I would love if we could get more feedback and involvement from everyone.
5. Outside of DECA, i love to spend time with my friends and family, read, bake, and play with my cat!
6. My parents inspire me because of their hard work, drive, and determination to support our family.
7. Without Careertech education, students would have no way to explore different career paths and passions while still in grade school, and it would ultimately lead to many feeling lost and confused as to what they want to do in the future.
8. If I could choose one word to describe me, it would be optimistic. I always try to look at the bright side of things, even if they can feel hopeless at times!
9. Vlogging my DECA Instagram takeover last year!
10. My favorite show to binge watch would have to be Gossip Girl or Criminal Minds.

Briley Brundidge

State Vice President of Leadership - High School Division

Chapter: Latta High School

1- I joined DECA because I wanted to be involved in as many things as I could, and I knew Latta DECA had a pretty cool advisor.
2- I ran for state office because I found a home in DECA and wanted to share my love for DECA with our members while also serving as a resource for Oklahoma DECA.
3- My favorite memory from DECA so far has been getting elected to state office. The emotions I felt in that moment were something I will never forget.
4- As a state officer, I am most looking forward to expanding Oklahoma DECA and networking with our amazing members!
5- Outside of DECA, I like to read, hangout with family, cheer, and take care of my dog.
6- My grandma inspires me. She has shown me that no matter what life throws at me, I can always push through and live life to the fullest.
7- Careertech education is important because it allows students to explore their interests, develop real-world skills, network with industry professionals, and develop their future careers.
8- If I could describe myself in one word, it would be ambitious. I am always looking for new ways to implement self-growth and impact the world around me.
9- My funniest DECA story would definitely have to be when my advisor used the term "DECA Dookie" in a car full of state officers. I don't think any of us have gotten over that yet.
10- I hardly ever watch TV, but if I do I usually watch Gossip Girl or Dance Moms.

Diana Nguyen

State Vice President of Career Development - High School Division

Chapter: Mustang High School

1. Why did you join DECA?
I joined DECA out of curiosity! I was walking down a hallway when a poster with an image of a
glass medal caught my eye. Initially, I was motivated by my desire to win that medal. However,
as I got involved, I discovered a deeper passion and a sense of discovery within DECA. The
experiences, memories, and personal growth I gained were so valuable to me, that I decided to
stay and continue my journey with DECA!
2. Why did you run for state office?
I ran for state officer because my friend Saniya saw potential in me that I didn't see in myself.
Initially, I was hesitant because I was too quiet and shy, but her encouragement pushed me to
take a leap of faith. Throughout this journey, I gained self-confidence and discovered a passion
for leadership. Ultimately, I realized that my true motivation for running was my deep love for
the organization and its people, and a desire to contribute meaningfully to its success.
3. What has been your favorite DECA memory so far?
My favorite DECA memory has to be playing Crazy UNO with my chapter during the Sports and
Entertainment Conference last year! It was an incredibly fun and chaotic experience that brought
us all closer together as a chapter. The laughter we shared made it an unforgettable memory.
4. What are you looking forward to the most as a DECA state officer?
I am looking forward to making new friendships in DECA! The relationships I make in DECA
mean a lot to me because they will not only enhance my DECA journey but also create treasured
memories and a network of friends who support and inspire me to grow.
5. What do you like to do outside of DECA?
I love to take naps whenever I’m free! However, I also enjoy hanging out with my friends or
playing tennis when it’s not too hot. I also find studying another remedy when I’m feeling
stressed because it makes me feel more productive!
6. Who inspires you?
My parents inspire me! They have a heart of gold and immense patience, but they also work
extremely hard. Their dedication and resilience in difficult times motivate me to be the best I can
7. Why is Careertech education important?
Career tech education is important because it gives students skills they can use in their future
careers and daily lives. It helps them apply what they learn in real-world situations, making them
more prepared for job opportunities and everyday challenges. Along with this, students can
create new friendships and valuable memories!
8. If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?
If I could describe myself in one word, it would be tenacious. I refuse to give up and always push
myself to my limits because that's how I grow and become a better person. Whether facing
challenges in academics, sports, or personal goals, I tackle them with determination and
resilience, continuously improving along the way.
9. Funniest DECA story?
A funny DECA story has to be when we sent one of my friends to get an extra chair so we could
all sit to play our card games. Instead of grabbing a chair, my friend accidentally knocked on our
advisor’s door. Panicking, they bolted, leaving the chair abandoned right in front of the advisor’s
door. We couldn't stop laughing imagining our advisor opening the door to find a random chair
just sitting there...
10. Favorite show to binge-watch?
My favorite show to binge-watch is Avatar. I watched it so much, I know everything that will
happen, but it never gets boring!

Mac Holmes

State Vice President of Hospitality - High School Division

Chapter: Norman North High School

1. Why did you join DECA?
• I joined DECA because my parents told me to. They thought DECA would teach me some good life skills.
2. Why did you run for state office?
• I ran for state office because I was inspired. A few years ago, I befriended a girl on Council 80 who was kind and hardworking. She is someone I look up to, and I saw what she was doing on the state council and decided I wanted to try to do it, too!!
3. What has been your favorite DECA memory so far?’
• My favorite DECA memory was ICDC 2022. I learned so much about DECA by going on that trip, and I also made some amazing memories and friendships.
4. What are you looking forward to the most as a DECA state officer?
• I am most looking forward to meeting new people in DECA and being able to help people in any way I can!
5. What do you like to do outside of DECA?
• Outside of DECA, I like to hang out with my friends and read. My friends and I go on lots of adventures every week, and whenever I am not with them, I am usually at home reading one of my books. I also work at a restaurant on the weekends, and that is usually fun because I have a lot of friends there.
6. Who inspires you?
• My parents inspire me because they are all successful in different ways.
7. Why is Careertech education important?
• Career tech education is important because it helps create strong leaders in the world. Career tech also gives students a wide variety of skills that they can use in their future careers or everyday lives.
8. If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?
• If I could describe myself in one word, it would be hardworking because I always try my best in things I participate in and I put in the extra work when needed.
9. Funniest DECA story?
• I have several funny DECA stories, but nothing compares to the time when our HOCO float was going to be about a guy named Kross dressed up like a mermaid riding a jet ski. We got him a costume and wig too, but our teacher shut it down, however, it was a really funny idea.
10. Favorite show to binge-watch?
- My favorite show to binge-watch is The Walking Dead because nobody is safe; spoiler alert, almost everybody in that show dies. The show constantly keeps you on your toes!

Niday Joseph

State Vice President of Marketing - High School Division

Chapter: Edmond North High School

1. I first heard about DECA from one of my biggest role models in fourth grade and immediately knew I had to join!
2, I ran for office because I wanted to grow Oklahoma DECA and lead our members to success.
3. My favorite memory so far was being able to network with people from all over the globe who share similar goals and interests as me at ICDC.
4. I look forward to collaborating with my team to bring even more greatness to Oklahoma DECA as a state officer!
5. Outside of DECA I like to dance and spend time with my family and friends.
6. My older brother has always been my biggest inspiration in life.
7. Careertech education is important because it provides college and career readiness to students through hands on experiences.
8. If I could describe myself in one word it would be bubbly- I like to look for the positives in any situation.
9. My funniest DECA story was getting lost at the conference center during icdc 2023 and being stuck there for 2 hours before finding my way back.
10. My favorite show to binge watch is Gossip Girl.

Meagan Edwards

State Vice President of Finance - High School Division

Chapter: Edmond Memorial High School

1. Excited at the idea of being in the club known for their amazing cookies and business skills, I decided to apply for DECA my freshman year. I thought the business skills would be applied for any profession, but most importantly for a lawyer, the career I want to pursue. Of course, I also wanted the opportunity to eat fresh baked cookies.
2. My school DECA Advisor, Mrs. Graves, had brought up the state council my sophomore year. I was intrigued and asked her for details. After meeting the officer team from this previous year at FLC, I was then convinced to apply. This is because of the energy and determination that the officer team brings to DECA that I wished to be a part of.
3. My favorite memory so far is during CTU when everyone was sitting and waiting for lunch. Tucker had been scrolling through his phone, and after a minute he looked up and announced that he was buying hot pink pants to match the rest of us girls. It made everyone in the group so happy and by the look on his face, Tucker was just as excited.
4. As an officer, I am looking forward to FLC the most. It is a huge opportunity to meet all of the high school members and allow them to know more about me. The speaker is always amazing as is the volunteer opportunity.
5. Outside of being an officer, I like to workout, read, and hang out with my friends. I enjoy playing pick-up volleyball with my church group and taking walks while calling/talking with friends.
6. My grandma, Linda Trout, inspires me. She has always been driven, strong, and independent, qualities I have always admired. When her mother told her she could not play basketball due to the “short” shorts, she played anyways, sticking to her guts and beliefs. She has always been a role model as a child, and that has continued as I have grown.
7. Career tech is extremely important for students across the globe. Classes like DECA teach business skills that can be applied to hundreds of jobs and daily applications. FCCLA teaches skills that are useful to everyday life like cooking and caretaking. Each careertech demonstrates a skill that needs to be taught in order for kids to grow and succeed.
8. One word that describes me is driven. I constantly find ways to make myself a better student, person, and leader. I have goals i wish to achieve, and when I fall short, I learn from my mistakes and keep moving forward.
9. This last year’s initiation for EMHS DECA included a white sheet cake with the DECA diamond and a simple sentence. When I went to go pick up the cake, I had failed to notice the mess up with the icing. Once I got to the venue, I opened the box more and noticed that the diamond, words, and colors were all at a diagonal angle and not centered at all. This mistake had followed the controversy over whether we were allowed to even use the DECA diamond, and were told we could do a basic diamond shape, but not the actual diamond.
10. My favorite show to binge watch is Never Have I Ever. It is extremely entertaining to watch a character like Devi make the wrong choice at every single choice and somehow pay close to zero consequences for it.

Tucker West

State President - Collegiate Division

Chapter: High Plains Technology Center

Why did you join DECA?

Joining DECA has been a transformative experience for me. When I was a sophomore in high school, I saw a social media post about a student from the nearby tech center who became a state officer, won first place at the state CDC, and got to attend the ICDC. That moment sparked a desire in me to achieve similar goals. Two years later, I finally had the opportunity to attend the nearby tech center and enroll in their Business and Marketing program, which automatically made me a DECA member.

Over the past year, my involvement with DECA has deepened significantly. I've taken full advantage of the incredible opportunities DECA offers its members, from leadership roles to competitive events. Being part of DECA has not only honed my business and marketing skills but also provided me with a platform to grow personally and professionally. It’s been a journey of ambition, growth, and achievement, and I’m excited to continue this journey with DECA as I move forward.

Why did you run for state office?

The reason I ran for state office is that my advisor approached me with an incredible opportunity. She encouraged me to run for Collegiate DECA State Office, recognizing that I had the skills and potential to make a significant impact. Motivated by her confidence in me and my own desire to grow our Collegiate DECA membership in Oklahoma, I decided to take on the challenge.

Running for state office has allowed me to further develop my leadership abilities and expand our DECA community. I am passionate about the opportunities DECA provides and am committed to helping others experience the same benefits that have been so impactful in my own journey. My goal is to inspire and support fellow members as we work together to achieve new heights.

What has been your favorite DECA memory so far?

My favorite DECA memory so far has been attending the CTU training. Spending three days at a beautiful state park in Oklahoma, I immersed myself in leadership development, made new friends, and had an incredible amount of fun. The experience was not only enriching but also unforgettable, blending learning with the natural beauty of the surroundings and the camaraderie of fellow DECA members. This training solidified my passion for DECA and has been a highlight of my journey so far.

What are you looking forward to the most as a DECA state officer?

As a DECA state officer, I am most looking forward to the opportunity to connect with new people, develop as a leader, and grow Oklahoma Collegiate DECA. Building relationships with members from diverse backgrounds and collaborating with them to achieve common goals excites me. I am eager to leverage my leadership skills to inspire and support our members, ensuring they have the resources and encouragement they need to succeed. Additionally, I am passionate about expanding our organization's reach and impact, and I am committed to driving the growth of Collegiate DECA in Oklahoma.

What do you like to do outside of DECA?

Outside of DECA, I enjoy spending quality time with friends and family, staying active in my church, and participating in community service. These activities allow me to build strong relationships, give back to my community, and stay grounded. Whether it's volunteering for a local cause, attending church events, or simply relaxing with loved ones, these moments enrich my life and keep me connected to the values that are important to me.

Who inspires you?

My DECA advisor, Mrs. McDowell, inspires me the most. Her kindness, generosity, and unwavering commitment to helping her students have made a profound impact on me. She goes above and beyond to ensure we have the support and guidance needed to succeed, always leading by example. Mrs. McDowell’s dedication to fostering our growth and her selfless approach to mentorship are truly inspiring, and I am incredibly grateful to have her as a role model.

Why is Careertech education important?

CareerTech Education is crucial because it equips students with a comprehensive skill set essential for the modern workplace. Beyond career-specific and academic skills, CTE emphasizes the development of critical soft skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, teamwork, citizenship, integrity, ethical leadership, research proficiency, creativity, and innovation. These skills are invaluable in navigating today's dynamic job market and fostering personal and professional growth. Through CTE, students are better prepared to meet the demands of their chosen careers and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?


Funniest DECA story?

The funniest DECA story so far happened at CTU training. We played a game where we had to go to the person in charge and, based on the object they named, we had to use our bodies to create that shape or object. It was hilarious trying to contort ourselves into everything from letters to animals, and it led to a lot of laughter and unforgettable moments with my fellow DECA members. The creativity and teamwork required made it a fun and memorable experience that I’ll always cherish.

Favorite show to binge watch?


Peighton Harak

State Vice President - Collegiate Division

Chapter: Oklahoma State University

1. My mom told me to join during my Freshman year of high school.
2. I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone to grow my leadership skills and I wanted to get to know more people.
3. I loved going to ICDC 2024. Getting to talk with all of the different associations and members was so much fun and I made so many new friends. I also campaigned with some of my best friends and explored California for the first time.
4. I'm excited to run conferences and talk with members this year.
5. I like to cook, volunteer, and spend time with my friends and family.
6. People in general. Everyone has their own unique talents and I love getting to see their talents and support them, which also encourages me to do my best and to help others.
7. Not everyone has the same goals and aspirations in life, so they need different pathways to reach their own dream career and Careertech Education provides multiple hands-on pathways allowing students to learn in various ways. My time in Careertech Education has helped me to find my dream career path and has given me the resources to pursue it.
8. caring - best word to describe me
9. During one of my caucuses at ICDC, I was asked to teach the team something new. I was so excited about this question that I proceeded to tell them how lobsters are ambidextrous and showed them with my hands too.
10. SpongeBob or Stranger Things - favorite show to binge watch

Shae Patel

State Vice President - Collegiate Division

Chapter: University of Oklahoma

Why did you join DECA?
To learn more about business.
Why did you run for state office?
To make sure that others could have the same opportunities that I had to grow
What has been your favorite DECA memory so far?
Going to ICDC Orlando
What are you looking forward to the most as a DECA state officer?
Meeting new people and helping other achieve their goals
What do you like to do outside of DECA?
I like to snowboard and kayak.
Who inspires you?
My father
Why is Careertech education important?
It gives students the opportunity to discover their interest.
If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?
Funniest DECA story?
Drawing stick figures of my friends while on the plane ride to ICDC.
Favorite show to binge watch?