Registration Instructions

You must complete registration for ICDC using the DECA online membership system

To access this system, please click HERE

  • Login using your designated Chapter ID (137H-XXXX) and Password
  • Click the “Conferences” tab
  • Click the link labeled “High School ICDC Registration

ICDC Registration Instructions (MS Word)

Register Advisor

  1. Use the check box beside the Advisor name to select all advisors attending or you can use the Select All button
  2. Click “Continue
  3. Verify that all information that has been pre-filled is correct. Please enter any missing information that is outlined in a RED box
  4. Click “Registration” under Registration Rates
  5. Click “Next
  6. Verify the information on the screen is correct
  7. Click “Finish
  8. You will need to complete this for each advisor registering for ICDC

Register Student

  1. Use the check box beside the student name to select all students attending or you can use the Select All button
  2. Click “Continue
  3. The Name Verification Box will appear. Please make sure and read this information
  4. Click “OK
  5. Verify that all information that has been pre-filled from the student record. None of the information on this screen is required
  6. Click “Registration” under Registration Rates
  7. Click “Next
  8. You must choose a competitive event or academy for the each student (NOTE: the events can be sorted by name or category by clicking on the column header)
  9. If a student is in a team event, a team number must be selected in the drop-down box
  10. If a student is not in a competitive event or academy, you MUST select “Delegate” (If the student is only participating in the “Empower” academy, you must select “Delegate” for the student)
  11. Click “Next
  12. If the student is a Chartered Association Officer and would like to be registered for EMPOWER, you will select this by clicking the down arrow and click the select box
  13. Click “Next
  14. Verify the information on the screen is correct.
  15. Click “Next Student” until you have registered all of your students

Register Guest (Chaperone / Spouse / Family Member)

  1. Select “Register Guest
  2. You MUST complete all fields outlined in RED
  3. Click “Continue
  4. Click “Registration” under Registration Rates
  5. Click “Next
  6. Verify all information on screen is correct
  7. Click “Save and Finish” or “Save and Add Another Guest
  8. Click “Accept All” or only the box beside the name of the person you want to register
  9. Click “Accept Disclaimers
  10. Click “Submit Registration
  11. Click “Confirm