DECA Headlines


Last Monday, I had the honor of visiting Edmond Memorial High School for their DECA initiation ceremony. I had such an amazing time getting to know the Memorial Deca chapter’s officers, advisor, and members! Everyone there was so kind and welcoming, and it truly felt like a family. The love and support they have for each other and our organization really shined through at the ceremony! The event was for first-year members, and is meant to welcome them into DECA. The beginning of the ceremony consisted of introductions of the officers, myself, and what DECA is really about. The officers then led the new members to recite their membership oaths. After this was done, everyone was released to socialize, take pictures, and enjoy desserts brought by the members. Overall, the experience was so rewarding, and I’m so glad that Edmond Memorial’s DECA chapter took the time to invite me to share such an important part of the school year with them!

-Subaha Kibria