DECA Headlines


It is truly remarkable that CDC is once again upon us, marking the conclusion of my time in
Council 81 and the commencement of the next Council. This past year, serving as your Vice
President of Finance, has flown by, yet it has been filled with wonderful memories. It has been a
year of great growth—for myself, our team, and Oklahoma DECA.

I am beyond proud of the effort, enthusiasm, and sense of community displayed by our members throughout this year. The Oklahoma DECA community will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I am incredibly thankful for the enduring friendships I have cultivated through this organization.

When I was presented with the opportunity to serve as a state officer, I had one main goal: to
give back to Oklahoma DECA and make a positive impact on the organization I love. Oklahoma
DECA has given me more than just real-life applicable skills; it has provided me with
experiences, created character growth, and, most importantly, offered a supportive community.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Oklahoma DECA members for entrusting me with the
privilege to serve this exceptional organization. Special thanks to my advisor and chapter at
Francis Tuttle for their unwavering encouragement, the remarkable state officer team, and our
State Advisor, Paxton Cavin, for her unending support.

I sincerely hope that my contributions have contributed to the growth and prosperity of
Oklahoma during my term. However, the success witnessed this year can only be attributed to
the Oklahoma DECA community at large—advisors, members, and everyone working behind the
scenes. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. See you all next

-Isabelle Dodge