Tips for Running for State Office
If you are reading this, that means your ambition and passion got the best of you. That means you are ready to take the next step in your DECA career. This article will contain tips to help you along the way.
- Just do it, don’t be scared. Failure means you tried. Success means you tried harder, but you have to try first.
- Believe in yourself. Your number 1 supporter needs to be you.
- Know your deadlines, and make sure you have everything turned in on time.
- Ask for help and advice, you aren’t running alone. Don’t be afraid to ask people for help.
- Practice, practice, and practice. Do not go into the interview process without having practiced for it again and again.
- The test is not hard, if you study. Make sure to study the DECA website, and fully prepare yourself for the test.
- If you are confused or question your ability, guess what you are in the same boat as everyone else.
- Everything will happen fast, if you have never run for a big position like this before it will be hard to take in everything at once. My last piece of advice is get the most out of the experience, and be confident in yourself.
If you ever need help, feel free to contact one of your state officers or talk to your advisor.
This is a great opportunity for you. I can promise you if you put in the hard work and have the passion, you will gain a very good experience for your future.
On behalf of Council 76, I thank you for having an interest in continuing the excellence of Oklahoma DECA’s leadership.
William Huang
Vice President of Leadership